• Special Prize Aixe Getxo for professional work in the Art world.
• Shortlisted International Photography Award Enaire Foundation.
• Shortlisted Albacete Town Biannual Plastic Arts Contest.

• Finalist Banca March International Photography Awards.

• Second prize ENAIRE Foundation International Photography Contest.
• Finalist Caminos de Hierro.

• Shortlisted AENA Foundation International Photography Competition.
• Finalist Torroella de Montgrí Fundació Vila Casas International Contemporary Photography Prize.
• Commended Sony World Photography Awards.
• Finalist Caminos de Hierro.

• Silver Award One Eyeland Awards
• Shortlisted Asisa photo contest
• Shortlisted Diputacion de Alicante International Plastics Arts and Photography Contest

• Finalist LUX Prize
• Shortlisted X Town of Albacete Biannual Plastic Arts award.
• Shortlisted International Fine Art Photography Award
• Honorable mention International Photographic Awards Competition.
• Silver Award Photographer of the Year. Better Photography Magazine.
• Shortlisted Art of Building International Photo Contest

• Shorlisted AENA Foundation International Photography awards.
• Finalist Premios Prize.



2018 • "Post Production Life". Galeria Vanguardia. Bilbao. 2017 • "Post Production Life". Abierto Espacio Cultural. Fundacion FIE. Madrid 2016 • "Open Copy". Galeria Vanguardia. 2013 • "Rooms of Solitude". Galeria Vanguardia. 2012 • “Res Nullius”. BilboArgazki 2012. Paraninfo de la UPV. Bilbao. 2011 • “Paisajes Reconstruidos”. Galeria Vanguardia. 2010 • “Res Nullius”. Sala de exposiciones del ayuntamiento de Sestao. • Donostimagen. Sociedad Fotografica de Guipuzcoa. San Sebastian. 2009 • Galería Vanguardía. • Galería Ines Barrenechea. Madrid. 2008 • Presentación del libro “Apología de lo Inutil”. Estudio de Francisco Leiro. Madrid • UBS Madrid • Espacio Triarte Casadecor. Madrid. 2007 • Can Xicu. Formentera.


2018 • Museo de Albacete • "Valca". Itinerante • Instituto Cervantes. PhotoEspaña 2018. 2017 • No Lugares. Galeria Vanguardia/Getxophoto. • Real Academia de las Artes de San Fernando. PhotoESPAÑA. 2016 • Bienal de Arquitectura de Venecia. • Fundación ENAIRE. 2014 • Fundación AENA • Galeria Vanguardia. • Artespacio A25. San Sebastián. • Heist Gallery. London. 2013 • "The STory of the Creative". New York. • Bilbao Art District. Bilbao.. • "World in transition". Hanmy Gallery. London. • Diputacion Provincial de Alicante. 2012 • X Bienal de Artes Plasticas Ciudad de Albacete. 2011 • Observatorio del Arte. Arnuero. • Galeria Vanguardia “25 años, 25 artistas”. 2010 • SestaoPhoto 2009 • “Metrópoli”. Area de cultura Ayuntamiento de Sestao. FAIRS: • ARCO. Madrid 2012. • ARCO. Madrid 2011 • MADRIDFOTO. Madrid 2011 • ARTMADRID. Madrid 2011 • International Art Fair OASIS. Osaka 2011 • RODART. Valencia 2011. • ART MAISON. Madrid 2011. • FLECHA. Madrid 2010 • ARTMADRID. Madrid 2010 • MADRIDFOTO. Madrid 2010 • ESTAMPA. Madrid 2009. • OPEN ART FAIR. Utretch 2009. • ART/SALAMANCA. Salamanca 2009. • ARTEFAIM. Madrid 2009

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